Tectonic plates travel at about 2 inches per year. Meaning since opening this page, on average, you've traveled:
The Earth is spinning at about 1,000 mph at the equator. Meaning since you've opened this page you've traveled about:
The Earth is also traveling around the sun at 66,000 mph! So combined with the earth spinning you've traveled:
Compared to neighboring stars, our sun is moving toward a local star called Vega at 43,000 mph! So that combined with the Earth spinning and the Earth traveling around the Sun you've traveled:
The sun is orbiting the Milky Way Galaxy at 483,000 mph! So that combined with the Earth spinning and the Earth traveling around the Sun you've actually traveled:
The Milky Way Galaxy is on a collison course with the Andromeda Galaxy at 225,000 mph! So you've actually traveled:
The entire Milky Way galaxy is moving at 1,300,000 mph! Combined with everything else, you have traveled:
The Universe is expanding! Meaning from the vantage point of the furthest known Galaxy, you've traveled:
The Multiverse Theory says that our Universe may just be just a tiny Universe in a vast sea of other universes. How fast is our Universe moving in this sea?
Speed is all relative. It all depends on your perspective of the Universe. So have you really moved at all?