The Deep Sea
Made with love by Neal Agarwal
Image of a Manatee
Image of a Bottlenose Dolphin Dive
Bottlenose Dolphin Dive
Image of a Green Sea Turtle
Green Sea Turtle
Image of a Beluga Whale
Beluga Whale
Image of a Sea Lion
Sea Lion
Image of a Velvet Crab
Velvet Crab
Image of a Staghorn Coral
Staghorn Coral
Image of a Killer Whale
Killer Whale
Image of a Barramundi
Image of a Great Barracuda
Great Barracuda
Image of a Spotted Bass
Spotted Bass
Image of a Striped Bass
Striped Bass
Image of a Black Drum
Black Drum
Image of a Blue Fish
Blue Fish
Image of a Spiny dogfish
Spiny dogfish
Image of a Dentex
Image of a Mahi-mahi
Image of a Flounder
Image of a Bull Shark
Bull Shark
Image of a Great White Shark
Great White Shark
Image of a Blue Shark
Blue Shark
Image of a Gummy Shark
Gummy Shark
Image of a Mako Shark
Mako Shark
Image of a Sunfish
Image of a Human
Image of a Atlantic Mackerel
Atlantic Mackerel
Image of a Queen Snapper
Queen Snapper
Image of a Pelagic Stingray
Pelagic Stingray
Image of a Deepest dive of a Narwhal
Deepest dive of a Narwhal
Image of a Frilled Shark
Frilled Shark
Image of a Viperfish
Image of a Anglerfish
Image of a Leatherback Sea Turtle
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Image of a Olive Ridly Sea Turtle
Olive Ridly Sea Turtle
Image of a Sea Pen
Sea Pen
Image of a Dragonfish
Image of a Orange Roughy
Orange Roughy
Image of a Wolf Eel
Wolf Eel
Image of a Swordfish
Image of a Chain Catshark
Chain Catshark
Image of a Atlantic Cod
Atlantic Cod
Image of a Pacific Cod
Pacific Cod
Image of a European pilchard
European pilchard
Image of a Atlantic Salmon
Atlantic Salmon
Image of a Chinook Salmon
Chinook Salmon
Image of a Blue Tang
Blue Tang
Image of a Clown Fish
Clown Fish
Image of a Haddock
Image of a Vampire Squid
Vampire Squid
Image of a Japanese Spider Crab
Japanese Spider Crab
Image of a Firefly Squid
Firefly Squid
Image of a Sperm Whale Dive
Sperm Whale Dive
Image of a Yeti Crab
Yeti Crab
Image of a Big Red Jellyfish
Big Red Jellyfish
Image of a Jewel Squid
Jewel Squid
Image of a Cockatoo Squid
Cockatoo Squid
Image of a Phronima
Image of a Bubblegum Coral
Bubblegum Coral
Image of a Giant Isopod
Giant Isopod
Image of a Coelacanth
Image of a Colossal Squid
Colossal Squid
Image of a Goblin Shark
Goblin Shark
Image of a Chimaeras
Image of a Black Swallower
Black Swallower
Image of a Monkfish
Image of a Giant Pacific Octopus
Giant Pacific Octopus
Image of a Sixgill Shark
Sixgill Shark
Image of a Emperor Penguin Dive
Emperor Penguin Dive
Image of a Elephant Seal Dive
Elephant Seal Dive
Image of a Baird's Beaked Whale
Baird's Beaked Whale
Image of a Leptoseris
Image of a Gigantactis
Image of a Bigeye Tuna
Bigeye Tuna
Image of a Bamboo Coral
Bamboo Coral
Image of a Nautilus
Image of a Hatchetfish
Image of a Giant Oarfish
Giant Oarfish
Image of a Giant Tube Worm
Giant Tube Worm
Image of a Telescope Octopus
Telescope Octopus
Image of a Barreleye Fish
Barreleye Fish
Image of a Squidworm
Image of a Sea Angel
Sea Angel
Image of a Marrus orthocanna
Marrus orthocanna
Image of a Scaly-foot Snail
Scaly-foot Snail
Image of a Vigtorniella Worm
Vigtorniella Worm
Image of a Terrible Claw Lobster
Terrible Claw Lobster
Image of a Venus Flytrap Sea Anemone
Venus Flytrap Sea Anemone
Image of a Leafy Sea Dragon
Leafy Sea Dragon
Image of a Headless Chicken Fish
Headless Chicken Fish
Image of a Greenland Halibut
Greenland Halibut
Image of a King Crab
King Crab
Image of a Greenland Shark
Greenland Shark
Image of a Blobfish
Image of a Zombie Worm
Zombie Worm
Image of a Polar Bear
Polar Bear
Image of a Kelp
Image of a Thick-Billed Murre Dive
Thick-Billed Murre Dive
Image of a Barnacle
At 332 meters, this is the deepest any human has ever scuba dived. Set by Ahmed Gabr in 2014.
No sunlight is able to reach this deep.
Many deep-sea creatures cope by creating light themselves - also known as bioluminescence.
Narwhals dive to this depth up to 15 times a day in search for food.
The Japanese Spider Crab is the largest known crab with a maximum leg span of 3.8m.
Coelacanths were thought to be extinct until found alive in 1938.
Leatherback Sea Turtles are the oldest sea turtle species.
Giant Oarfish can grow up to 11m long.
Sixgill Sharks spend the day in deep waters and the night in shallow waters. They can be found all over the world.
Telescope Octopus are almost completely transparent and have unique protruding eyes.
Barreleye Fish have a transparent head that allows their eyes to collect more light.
Black Swallowers can swallow entire fish whole - even those vastly larger than themselves!
Vampire Squids eat marine snow - organic material that falls from shallower waters.
Headless Chicken Fish are sea cucumbers with wing-like fins that allow them to swim.
Colossal Squid are the largest known squid species. They can reach a length of 10 meters and weigh up to 700 kg.
The Orange Roughy can live up to 200 years. Deep sea life often have elongated life spans.
Meals are rare in the deep sea. Deep sea creatures have adapted to this - one Giant Isopod in captivity went five years without eating.
Many deep sea species use the color red as camouflage since it's the first color to leave the spectrum as you dive deeper.
Goblin Sharks are known as "living fossils" because they're the only living species of a lineage that has existed for 125 million years.
Is it a squid, or a worm? It’s a worm.
Sea Angels are majestic sea slugs that use wings to propel themselves.
The Scaly-Foot Snail gets its name from the iron plates on its foot and the iron shell it makes out of Iron Sulphide.
Anglerfish have a large bioluminescent lure used to attract prey in the darkness.
Giant Tube Worms get their nutrients from hydrothermal vents.
Hydrothermal vents are formed from seawater passing through extremely hot volcanic rocks. They release heavy metals that are toxic to most animals.
But even in those extreme conditions specialized life finds a way to survive.
Yeti Crabs live on hydrothermal vents.
The Midnight Zone
The Twilight Zone
Image of a Gulper Eel
Gulper Eel
Image of a Amphipoda
Image of a Patagonian Toothfish
Patagonian Toothfish
Image of a Flabby Whalefish
Flabby Whalefish
Image of a Atolla Jellyfish
Atolla Jellyfish
Image of a Fangtooth
Image of a Titanic Wreckage
Titanic Wreckage
Image of a Caridea
Image of a Cuvier's Beaked Whale Dive
Cuvier's Beaked Whale Dive
Image of a Lizardfish
Image of a Harp Sponge
Harp Sponge
Image of a Dumbo Octopus
Dumbo Octopus
Image of a Cosmic Jellyfish
Cosmic Jellyfish
Image of a Brittle Star
Brittle Star
Image of a Sea Pig
Sea Pig
Image of a Megamouth Shark
Megamouth Shark
Image of a Stoplight Loosejaw
Stoplight Loosejaw
Image of a Tripod Fish
Tripod Fish
Image of a Faceless Fish
Faceless Fish
Image of a Cookiecutter Shark
Cookiecutter Shark
Image of a Glass Sponge
Glass Sponge
Image of a Abyssal Spiderfish
Abyssal Spiderfish
This is the average depth of the ocean.
But in some places it goes deeper.
Much deeper.
Cuvier's Beaked Whales are the deepest diving mammals.
On April 14th, 1912 the Titanic sank to its final resting place at a depth of 3,800 meters.
This is the deepest point of the Manila Trench in the South China Sea.
Patagonian Toothfish have antifreeze proteins in its tissues to prevent freezing in sub zero temperatures.
Megamouth sharks are one of the largest growing shark species with some reaching 7 meters long.
The temperature here is near freezing and very few animals can survive the extreme pressure.
This shark takes cookie-shaped chunks out of its prey.
The Abyssal Zone
Image of a Comb Jelly
Comb Jelly
Image of a Hadal Snailfish
Hadal Snailfish
Image of a USS Johnston Shipwreck
USS Johnston Shipwreck
Image of a Grenadier
Image of a Cusk Eel
Cusk Eel
Image of a Chiton
You have scrolled the height of Mount Everest.
Comb Jellies have been around for 500 million years. Despite looking like jellyfish, they are not closely related.
This is the lowest point of the Puerto Rico Trench.
This is the deepest point of the Java Trench in the Indian Ocean.
The USS Johnston sank in WWII and is the deepest shipwreck ever found.
More people have been to the Moon than the Hadal Zone.
Most of the Hadal Zone takes place in deep sea trenches.
Deep sea trenches form by a process called "subduction" where the Earth's tectonic plates meet and push together.
The deep sea can be a lonely place.
Life here is sparse - the extreme conditions make survival difficult.
But still not impossible.
So little is known about life in these deep environments. Almost every expedition uncovers something new.
The Hadal Zone
Image of a Hadal Amphipod
Hadal Amphipod
Many probes and submarines have been lost trying to reach the deepest parts of the ocean.
On January 23rd, 1960, about 9 years before the moon landing, humans went where they never had before.
Two men, Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh, onboard the submarine Trieste slowly descended into the Mariana Trench.
Their goal was to reach The Challenger Deep - the deepest point in the ocean.
The submarine used a re-breather system that would later be used in spacecraft. There was barely enough space inside the pressure sphere for both of them.
The immense pressure of the deep sea means any mistake would mean certain death.
During the descent, one of the window panes cracked and shook the entire vessel.
Nevertheless, they continued.
Even at these unfathomable depths, Jacques and Don could still see life out the window. Life can survive unimaginable environments.
After 4 hours and 47 minutes of anxiety and claustrophobia...
They succeeded and became the first humans to reach the deepest point in the ocean.
The Challenger Deep
Submarine Trieste
The ocean bottom
The Deep Sea
Made with love by Neal Agarwal
Special thanks to Dr. Harri Pettitt-Wade for help with editing and feedback.